Year 12 futures programme
Year 12 futures programme
By Suzy Morton (Head of Sixth Form) and Diana McCann (Higher Education Administrator).

This half term, Gordonstoun Year 12 students have taken part in our ‘Futures Programme’ where they have received advice and guidance from industry leaders, OG’s and external higher education specific agencies to complement the support provided by the Higher Education & Careers Department.
Students have worked on tasks to research universities and courses and to help them create the strongest possible University application. They have benefitted from hearing the advice from 24 OG’s who left school in 2018 and19 who have created video files about their University and Gap Year experiences offering their top tips for those about to leave school.
Focusing on utilising super-curricular sessions/articles the Yr12s have prepared draft personal statements/motivational letters for the UK, USA or Europe.
Identifying the skills and qualities that employers are looking for from School and Graduate leavers has also been at the forefront of a number of video and live seminars undertaken by OG’s who left between 12 and 30+ years ago, each one providing life and careers advice in a wide range of employment fields. This opportunity to explore the World of Work was coupled with tasks designing and compiling a Curriculam Vitae and covering letter.
Seminars focussing on Gap Year advice, Alternative Pathways in Higher Education, Studying Medicine, and Applying to Oxbridge have all been well-attended and have stimulated important conversations.