Education must enable young people to effect what they have recognized to be right. Kurt Hahn, Founder of Gordonstoun
Today’s children will be responsible for shaping the future of the world. It’s not something to be taken lightly, which is why at Gordonstoun we give students the opportunity to take up a variety of responsibilities.
This teaches them about the importance of looking out for others, whether as a team or form captain, a classmate or member of a boarding house. They’ll be encouraged to support new students, keep dormitories tidy, clear the refectory, crew our 80 foot yacht and lead a range of teams to victory.
We help them grow into compassionate individuals who are unafraid of stepping up to a challenge. Our students leave Gordonstoun ready to become capable, confident members of a diverse and challenging global community.
The school guides them towards being leaders. HM Inspectors, 2019 - Education Scotland

"In my six years at Gordonstoun I feel I have experienced responsibilities from areas of life that I never expected I would deal with, yet the school has given me the opportunity and support to do so. I am a firefighter, with the responsibility to the service and community; a Colour Bearer, a leader and voice for the student body, with the responsibility to uphold the students’ voice and discuss and persevere with staff about change. Captain of Netball, Drama, Chamber choir, each with different responsibilities, and I have a responsibility to myself to prioritise and organise so that despite having a large plate, I keep on top on my academics and still keep my roles of responsibility upheld. "
"There are so many aspects of my time at Gordonstoun that I am grateful for, including the willingness and ability to ‘step up to the plate’, to take responsibility - both for myself and for others. This has been invaluable to me in my working life, first as a pool lifeguard when I left school and subsequently as a submariner in the Royal Navy. " Luke Morrow, Submariner, Royal Navy
Grace B - Year 13
Luke Morrow - 2007